Hours: Sunrise to Sunset
Located off from Heather Drive, next to the Hethwood Market.
Each handler is legally responsible for his or her dog, and the Hethwood Foundation, Foxridge, or Solomon Organization will assume no responsibility for any injuries to humans or animals.
Failure to abide by park rules may result in loss of privileges or access to any/all of the Hethwood/Foxridge amenities.
Please report any maintenance issues to the Hethwood Foundation Office at (540)552-5252. To reach the Police please call (540)961-1152. Call 911 for any emergencies.
Please keep the following in mind while using the Bark Park:
- Dogs must be current on all vaccinations.
- Dogs must have a current dog license and should wear ownership identification at all times.
- Dogs must be leashed when entering and exiting the Bark Park.
- Aggressive dogs are not permitted on the premises. Dogs must be removed at the first sign of aggression. Failure to comply, can result in Bark Park privileges being revoked.
- Female dogs in heat are prohibited from entering the park.
- Dog owners must be in the park and within view of their dog at all times.
- Owners must keep their leash in hand at all times.
- Owners must cleanup dog waste. Seal waste in plastic bags before disposing in designated receptacles.
- Fill any holes your dog digs.
- Dogs less than 4 months of age are prohibited.
- Maximum limit of 2 dogs per adult in the park at any given time.
- Wheeled recreation toys and strollers are prohibited within the fenced area.
- Unsupervised persons under the age of 12 are not allowed in the park.
- This facility is reserved for Residents of Foxridge/Hethwood Apartments and the Hethwood Community along with their guests.